A fundamental mistake we all make is to look outside of ourselves for the solution to any problem.
When we come up against a complicated family relationship, when we are looking for a life partner, when we cannot advance professionally, we do not feel free. Life does not meet our expectations and we feel devalued. And yet our value is there, intrinsic.
So if I feel bad because of my boss, my partner, my children, my parents, and I expect salvation to come from the outside, something different in my environment, so that I feel better, is that right ? Shouldn’t I look inward and ask myself what creates this need for validation ? What creates this longing for someone to validate me as a valuable person instead of reaching that feeling within myself ? We are a fish that seeks water and is saddened that the water cannot find us.
Coming back to oneself is the proposition of therapeutic work; to reconnect us to our profound nature.
And to achieve this, an example of a simple pause-pose practice.
Sit with your back straight and your feet flat on the ground. Take three deep breaths, exhaling through your mouth. We visualize our verticality, there, between the earth and the sky. And the feeling of being alive thus connects us to our primary nature. We breathe. We are growing.